The progress of my latest seedlings.
After a few days at home for a family party, I returned to see how my new additions were doing. M has been keeping an eye on them but the Norwich weather has done all of the watering for me. My radishes have germinated beautifully; I think I will probably have to thin them out. There is, however, little sign of the French beans at the moment. According to google they should be up in 7 to 10 days so I haven’t entirely abandoned hope for them. Can’t help feeling they might be a bit wet too wet though thanks to Norfolk downpours.
The oriental veg looks like it’s settling in wonderfully and looks much sturdier for the few days it’s had to settle in. The spinach seems to be proving delicious to creatures other than me however. I am hoping @AgonyPlant will be able to shed some light on the problem.
While I was home I discovered mum has started growing some strawberries in a pot which I am very jealous of. Definitely a project for next year even if they only produce enough strawberries for me to snack on while I garden. Don’t forget, I’m on twitter (@GreenSideUpEle) and would love to hear from you. Happy Gardening, Ele